The Call first step
The first step in calling a new minister is filling out our church profile. In order to do that properly, we would like to have input from everyone in the church family on as many of the questions as we can. So on January 30th we will be sending out a survey on ElectionBuddy through the email. If you haven’t used Election Buddy before just click on the link in the email and follow the prompts and instructions. You will have until February 6th to fill it out and submit your answers. You will have to fill it out in one sitting. You cannot save it and come back at a later time to complete it. Answer only the questions you want to answer, it is ok to choose not to answer a question or say that you don’t know. We appreciate any that you can answer for us. For those without email, paper questionnaires will be mailed out in advance and additional copies will be available upon request. Please contact Kathy Hogan if you need an additional copy and one will be sent out to you. The profile questions are due by February 6th by 10pm. A basket will be on the bulletin table for paper questionnaires or they can be dropped in the outside Mailbox or you may mail your paper copy in as long as it is in by February 6th. We hope you will consider participating even just by answering a few questions to get an accurate picture of our church family. May God bless you all and be with us in the coming months.