

Oh come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to rock of our salvation!  Let us into His presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to Him with songs of praise!

Psalm 95:1-2

In this article series, “Be More Involved,” you will discover many ways in which you may be more actively engaged in serving our Lord.  There are numerous aspects of church family life in which your unique gifts and skills are needed and can be effectively utilized.  As family members, we receive from God His boundless blessings through each other as well as give back donations of our time, talents, and treasures as offerings to our Lord that support and benefit the ministries of our church family and the surrounding community.

Consider getting involved with your fellow church family members through your musical and artistic gifts.  Feel free to share your music skills with others by joining the choir or offering to provide an instrumental or vocal solo during a worship service. Express yourself artistically by displaying bulletin boards or creating flower arrangements for the sanctuary altar.  Below are some details about how to be more active in these ways:


A volunteer is needed to be the point person for the altar guild. This individual would need to serve as the contact for the guild and be responsible for passing information to the guild members, training new members, seeing that altar cloth changes are made, making sure candle sticks are polished seasonally, advertising when months are vacant, and alerting the office when supplies need to be reordered. If you are willing to serve in this capacity, please contact a member of the Church Council or the church office.



We are looking for volunteers who are willing to serve as communion assistants as we are preparing to return to serving communion again with traditional individual cups and the common cup. If you are willing to serve in this capacity for the communion portion of the 8am and 11am worship services, please contact the church office and indicate whether you are an attendee of the 8am or 11am worship service. Assistants for both services will be needed. The pre-packaged communion kits will still be available for those who feel more comfortable with those, but the hope is to return to the normal setting as soon as we are able. Communion assistants will be needed so please give this prayerful consideration.


Bethany’s Needs

1.      The outdoor sign committee needs a volunteer to change the sign for one month of the year.  Training will be provided

2.      Acolytes are needed for both services; training and robes will be provided.  

3.      The choir is in need of singers for all voice parts

4.      Volunteers to assist with the Food Bank distribution are needed

There are other areas in the church that need some willing workers.  Please check the volunteer wall in the fellowship hall for some suggestions.

Food Bank

Bethany participates in the Food Bank’s food drop once a month, on the third Tuesday of each month. Volunteers from the church gather from 12:30 to 5:00 PM to pack bags for those who come needing food for their families.