Reverend Alemu (Alex) Katiso

To the Congregation of Bethany Lutheran Church,


Since January of 2022, Bethany Lutheran church has been without a pastor. We have worked through the process to get a new Pastor, and issued several calls. There have admittedly been some disappointments. However, it is time to rejoice.

Last Sunday we voted to issue a call to Reverend Alemu (Alex) Katiso, and yesterday I received a call from Reverend Katiso that he is accepting our call.  READ MORE

There will still be a number of steps and procedures to go through before he officially becomes our pastor and these will not be accomplished overnight. Much of the responsibility for making these happen has shifted to the Church Council and the Church Council will work diligently to keep you all informed as the process moves forward,

That said, we can be thankful to God that our long period of uncertainty is over and we can begin the work of revitalizing Bethany Lutheran.

Peace be with you all.

Ken Medearis