Preparations to welcome Pastor Katiso and family

Greetings Church Family!
As promised, here is a timeline for .
Pastor Katiso’s first day with Bethany will be November 1. I contacted the district office this morning regarding his installation date, and they have started working on that. As soon as I know the date, I will pass it on to everyone.
Pastor Katiso and family will be living in our parsonage. We have much to do to prepare it for them. We also will need to move our children’s Sunday school classrooms to the downstairs Fellowship Hall in the church. We will forward our plan for that to you in the next day or so. We will need many volunteers to accomplish this! I will send info out for congregation work days at the church as soon as it is finalized, so please be on the lookout for that.
If any of you have anything stored at the parsonage that you would like to keep, please remove it by September 30. If you don’t have a key to get in, please contact me and I will meet you there at your convenience. We will begin work in earnest on October 2, and if your things have not been picked up, they could be inadvertently thrown away and I don’t want that to happen.
If you have any questions, concerns or ideas, please contact me. My contact information is at the bottom of this email. Feel free to email, call or text….whatever is convenient for you. If you need information regarding the property, please contact Gary Young and he will be happy to assist you. We want to make this process go as smoothly as possible, and I know we can count on your help.
God is good!!
Joyce Hardesty