
Please pray with our Call Committee that God will choose the pastor for us and lead him to our congregation. We pray that all members of Bethany Lutheran church help us to prepare our church for the arrival of our pastor by volunteering where needed. This is the time to get involved. There will be a lot of signs around the church asking for your assistance. Also check the Bethany Beacon for suggestions on how to get involved. Pray that we can provide a wonderful welcome for the Pastor God chooses.

Jennifer Friedel
Call Committee Chairman


A prayer for our Bethany Lutheran congregation

Please pray that the Call Committee can finalize the call process and that the Lord helps us to find the right words to convey the essence of each Pastor we present. We pray that our presentation will help all in our congregation to have a better understanding of both Pastors. It is our intent to help Bethany Lutheran grow in grace, love, and offer it’s support when we ask for you to help us decide which candidate God has chosen for us. In Jesus name we pray!

Prayer for the Call Committee

God, please bless Bethany Lutheran with a new Pastor. Our congregation has been waiting and praying you will find us a person who will see the needs of our church. We are praying you will show us a person who will help rebuild our church and lead us into a bright future. Our Call Committee is now interviewing 2 candidates.  We find either pastor would be a great fit for our congregation.  Their love, consideration, and compassion shows us how we can be better people.  We know Lord, you will lead us to the right person for Bethany Lutheran church. In his name we pray.

We pray that our Call committee can finalize our Pastoral interview questionnaire. We pray that we are prepared to share the good news of pastoral candidates in the coming weeks. We pray that the insights that the pastors share with us will inspire each committee member to look forward and see a bright future here at Bethany Lutheran.  We pray that Bethany Lutheran church will be made whole again by a new leader for our congregation. Thank you, God, for letting us share in this process. We pray for the greater good our decision might have on the future.  We will be here to give our new Pastor a helping hand when he needs it and we pray that our service will continue to help Bethany Lutheran grow.

Prayer from the Call Committee to the congregation

God is good! He has blessed us with the opportunity to consider candidates for our new pastor. Please pray that we can see his desires and see the person he has chosen to lead our congregation. Soon every member will be called on to help consider the qualities of the chosen pastoral candidates. Please open our hearts so we can let in the message that God has sent us. Our church needs a strong leader and a faithful pastor and a good communicator. Let us see these special abilities in our choice. God, please lead all our congregation to be with us as we make this journey at our Call service.

A prayer for Bethany Lutheran call committee work on the Candidate questionnaire.

Let us pray that our call committees focus should be on the representation of the congregation as outlined in our congregational profile. As a united group, not as individuals, we strive to form a questionnaire that will reflect the best future needs of our Bethany Lutheran Church members and church. Even though as individuals we may have conflicting ideas of what our pastor should represent, we strive to do what is best for our congregational needs. As we move forward our call committee will examine and pray about what our church represents and what we want to consider through our questionnaire. Compromise is key in considering all elements of our questionnaire and its focus. In the end this document will help us better understand who we are looking at for a leader. Remember God has already chosen our new pastor, we are just trying to see him clearly as we interview our candidates. Please guide us Lord!

A prayer for the members of the Call committee

Let us pray for the welfare of all our call committee members. We pray that they may be comforted by the self-examination of Bethany Lutheran Church. Remind them that as a committee we are representing the church body, not the individual. Lord see their role as members of the call committee as a blessing from God. The congregation is awaiting the important summary of our work and praying we find a new leader soon so we can again feel as a complete family. As a family we support and pray for all our members. Through service, we give of ourselves to help lead our congregation forward. Thank you God for this wonderful experience.

A prayer for the Future of Bethany Lutheran Church

Oh Lord help Bethany Lutheran church move forward to greet a new and changing world. We pray that as a congregation, we can grow our flock and extend our talents to serve the needs of all. We look forward to the new and challenging world ahead and we look for a new leader that will show us the best way to a new future. Thank you Lord for this wonderful experience.

March 28th 2020: Here is a prayer from the call committee.  As we go on with our call committee meeting there will be many more prayers published here. The committee asks that the Bethany Lutheran congregation pray for our progress of picking a new pastor. If you would like to participate in the call process with a prayer, please send it to [email protected] Title the email prayer for the pastor.  Prayer will be published here during our call process. Check back frequently.

“Oh God please guide our newly formed Bethany Lutheran call committee. Please help us to see the needs of our congregation and lead us to the right pastor to fill our needs. I believe the congregation is looking for a pastor to fill their spiritual needs as well as oversee the welfare of our church.  We hope he and his family will enjoy their time at Bethany and become a loving part of our community. We know you are watching over us as we perform this important task for Bethany Lutheran Church. We are ready to proceed with our work.”

1. Pray for your search committee.

  • Pray for patience. Pray that the committee would wait upon God’s timing. Pray that your search committee will have the mind of Christ and agree.
  • Much of the process is subjective. Personal opinions and preferences are involved. Differences can divide. Ask that the search committee would heed Paul’s advice for unity, having the humble attitude of Jesus Christ [Philippians 2:1-12].
  • Pray for wisdom to choose the right man. Pray the search committee will renew their minds in the Bible so that they can have Word-centered wisdom [Romans 12:1-2].
  • Pray for discipline for your search committee and other church leaders. The search process will require a great deal of follow-through on the parts of individuals.

2. Pray for your next pastor.

  • Pray that God would increase his passion for the Word of God.
  • Pray that God would give him a love for your church and the strength to leave his current position.
  • Pray that he would begin new relationships at your church in the right way.
  • Pray that God would prepare him to shepherd your church through the trials and blessings he has faced and currently faces.
  • Pray for his family.

3. Pray for your church.

  • Pray for patience. The search process can go longer than expected. It is hard work for those doing the search process. Pray for trust in the leadership.
  • Pray that your church would learn to place a high priority on the Word of God, the glory of Christ, and a love for His church. It is easy to gravitate towards personality, programs, or an ideal when calling a new pastor. Pray we focus on what matters: a man who loves Christ, His Word, and His church. Pray the new pastor will be a man of Christ-like character.