Church Leaders

Pastor Alemu Ermias Katiso









Bethany Lutheran current Church Council Officers:

President: Joyce Hardesty
Vice President: Ken Medearis
Education: vacant
Stewardship: vacant
Treasurer: Tess Gallaher
Evangelism: Terry McMullin 
Human Care: Lee Schilling
Financial Secretary:  Cindy Prag
Recording Secretary: 
Property Chair: Gary Young

Board of Elders

David Engelhardt
Doug Jones
Ken Medearis
Jeff Prag
David Ravel
Todd Sos
Jeff Westphal

Lutheran Missouri Synod Leaders

District Counsellor: Rev. Donald Schaefer
District Visitor: Pastor Michael Thress

Church secretary

Gretchen Long


Ron Linkswiler

Sunday School

Barbara Meilhammer will be leading the high schoolers .

Cindy Brown will be leading the elementary kids 


Web site and Facebook

Todd Sos

Jennifer Friedel

Bethany Beacon

 Gretchen Long

Prayer Circle

Joan Linkswiler

Volunteers needed to organize the Acolytes, Greeters and Readers and Ushers.

Volunteers needed for the Alter guild

Volunteers needed for change the front sign message

If you would like to volunteer call and leave a message at 410-742-1737. You can also send us an email to: [email protected]

Someone will contact you within the week.