Sunday School



Children’s Sunday School meets in
the church basement each Sunday
at 10 a.m. If you would like to be
added to the Sunday School parents email list to
receive weekly information about each week’s session,
please let the church office know. If you would can help
with Sunday School by teaching or in other ways,
please let us know that as well.

In April, Sunday School children will
study the Israelites’ wilderness
journey. The lesson descriptions are
shown below.
Also, new Sunday School teachers and leaders are
needed for the next school year. If you would like to
help with this, please let the church office know.

 April 7: Food from Heaven – God Cares for His
People (Exodus 16). In today’s lesson, we learn
about how God provides “Food from Heaven.” The
Israelites arrive in the wilderness with no food,
grumbling against Moses and Aaron. God keeps His
promise to provide for His people as He daily sends
manna (bread) and quail (meat) from heaven for
them to gather. The Lord teaches His people to
trust as they gather only what they need for one
 April 14: Waterworks – Water from the Rock
(Exodus 17:1-7). In today’s “Waterworks” lesson,
we learn about how God provided water from the
rock. Having moved their camp from the wilderness
of Sin to Rephidim, the Israelites face a new
challenge—no water. Despite His daily food supply,
the people doubt God’s ability to provide water for
them and their livestock. Moses cries out the Lord,
who instructs him to strike the rock with his staff.
Moses does so and water pours out, providing all
that the people need.
 April 21: The Idle Idol – The Golden Calf (Exodus
31:18-32:35). The lesson this week is “The Idle
Idol.” Atop Mount Sinai, Moses receives the Law
from God. Meanwhile, the Israelites grow impatient
and convince Aaron to create a golden idol. When
God sends Moses down from the mountain, Moses
sees the people’s wanton worship and smashes the
stone tablets. The people are punished for their
idolatry. Moses returns to Sinai to plead God’s
mercy for the people.
 April 28: A Tent for God – God with His People
(Exodus 25:1-19; 40:1-8, 34-38). Today, we will
study “A Tent for God.” Moses begins the process
of building a portable house (called a tabernacle)
for the Lord by gathering offerings from the
Israelites. God provides detailed instruction for the
creation of the ark of the covenant as well as the
other fixtures of the tabernacle. When the
tabernacle is finally assembled, the glory of the
Lord descends on the tabernacle in the form of a
cloud. As long as the presence remains, the people
remain in that place.

Please join us for these Sunday School lessons in April
and invite your friends to come as well!